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The Falcon and The Winter Soldier S01 E01 Discussion

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier comes next after Marvel's debut in Television with Wandavison. Wandavison which had a completely different tone set the bar high when it comes to MCU Series. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier continue to do the same taking a very different approach to the story telling. It is also safe to say that The Falcon and The Winter Soldier give us a story that I for one never knew I wanted.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Season 1 Episode 1 Discussion

1. A Peak into Sam Wilson's Life aka The Falcon
This is what I'm talking about; Sam Wilson has always been a sidekick in the MCU and has always been in situations where The Falcon had to help Captain America. However, with The Falcon and The Winter Soldier we get to see Sam behind the scenes when he is not a superhero. We get to see him being a brother and an uncle. The show doesn't give us any flashbacks but the writing from Mark Spellman is so good that you completely understand where Sam comes from. Anthony Mackie has had lead roles outside of the MCU which to be fair hasn't done much for him, and quite frankly Falcon wasn't a crowd pleaser as well but under the hands of Spellman and Kari Skogland, director for all six The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episodes; Mackie is able to steal away the limelight from The Winter Soldier.

2. The Winter Soldier A Man out of Time
The man out of time trope has been done with Captain America, so is there really a need to give Bucky the same treatment? Absolutely yes, Sebastian Stan is so good at playing Bucky that is brilliant for fans like us to see James Barnes adapt through modern time. The real reason why The Winter Soldier's man out of time storyline feels unique than Steve Rogers is because unlike Steve Rogers, James Barnes has something to atone for. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 1 gives us a glimpse Flashback to The Winter Soldier in it's prime and later connects it to the present day, and it feels earned. So to the criticisms regarding lack of action for The Winter Soldier, I call it utter BS.
3. The New Captain America "New World Order"
This new Captain America is US Agent from the comics and frankly they could have picked a better cliffhanger for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier S01 E01, mainly because we all saw this from the trailers. What Russell plays this character and it'll be interesting to see whether the show will take on a Social Commentary Subtext as it progress. My bets are that this US Agent/ New Captain America will be a mock character only for us to realize that the person who weilds the shield shouldn't just be a picture perfect poster guy but to attain the same values as Steve Rogers.

The Binge Flix Conclusion- The Falcon and The Winter Soldier New World Order 
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is a breath of fresh air after having watched Wandavison not only because it does something different and give us two characters who now we know are very much interesting on their own but the show has a movie level storytelling going for it as well. Fun Fact, for the entire Episode 1 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, never once Sam Wilson and James Barnes share the screen.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier still has few more character to introduce such as that of Daniel Brühl as Baren Zeno and Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is available on Disney+ to watch, and will roll out weekly.


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